
About Us

Introduction : MAUN organization name itself tell the meaning of our work “MAUN”silentinfulencer,MAUN   team feels that “silent is the key to the success” As per we desided that we have to work for people,by the people,& with people.        Initially our team is working on selecting the talented people which will be our Base system of the MAUN Organization. Recently We had taken two successful competiton 1.Drawing competition. competition. Both this event is successfully taken in situation of COVID-19 lockdown periodwhole competition is online organized .winner are awarded with participating certificate & prize money which is desided by our MAUN team and by judging results are also displayed time to time on instagram and facebook pages of MAUN. MAUN is finding the talented students as well as talented peoples who are ready to work with us and help us in contributing to the country & for the people welfare. We assure that working in silent has

Become A Member

Become a Member, of our Organisation and be a part of India finest group of Organisation . Who is a Member? Any individual who wishes to join our organization can be a member of  Maun Organisation. The individuals will be required to submit a consent  form post which, we will review their application and send a confirmation  mail.  The only pre-requisite for become a member is to either be a Artist  in any field i.e Drawing, Singing, music, Photography etc with some prior experience in this field. Initially, the members will join as Regional  Coordinators but with time and performance, they can be promoted to  the role of State Coordinator or even the Core Team. Why be a Member? Be part of a pan-India organization to take forward your love for public  Artisting. A great networking opportunity with members from all States of  India. Get mentored by senior debaters, public speakers, Tedx speakers,, Photographer Artist etc. These mentors have rich experience in the field of any art and th

Drawing Competition - At a Glance

Our First time Conducted an Competition under the flag of Our old Name as  Hum - A platform to Show your talents.  This program is  Conducted in nearly 04 States of Maharashtra in Month of May. See this Video, for a memorial visit of our Organisation

ChayaChitra - At a Glance

Our second time Conducted an Competition under the flag of Our New Name as  Maun Organisation This program is  Conducted in nearly 06 States of India in Month of June. For more information about upcoming events and old event please contact us.


We are a family of India, which is United by Same Passion, Same Professional but are of different blood. Simply it means that we are unite for Welfare of Society. I know that, there are various type of Society, may be governmental or NGOs working on same field but Our One is different because we are warm blooded Organisation - that is Organisation of Youth. As our name indicated MAUN simply it means let work hard in silence, let Success make the Noice....  For Joining with us please click on register here option on left side top of screen or click here To have a look on our old Competition please see on our tabs ( present on topside ) For more information see our Social Media page ( link available in contact page ) If you have any doubts then please feel free to contact us